Uehara Finds Common Thread between Rugby, Business
An interview with Akira Uehara T’66, CEO of Taisho Pharmaceutical Holdings Co., Ltd., and an avid rugby fan. Uehara says there are parallels between the game and the world of business.
An interview with Akira Uehara T’66, CEO of Taisho Pharmaceutical Holdings Co., Ltd., and an avid rugby fan. Uehara says there are parallels between the game and the world of business.
A review of Reverse Innovation in Health Care: How to Make Value-Based Delivery Work by Vijay Govindarajan and coauthor Ravi Ramamurti.
Lists Tuck among the top U.S. MBA programs for entrepreneurship. Resources for students interested in entrepreneurship are plentiful at Tuck, starting with the newly formed Center for Entrepreneurship.
Joshua Kim, director of digital learning initiatives at the Dartmouth Center for the Advancement of Learning, explores how business schools with global brands, such as Tuck, are engaging in online education.
Quotes Roger McNamee T’82, managing director of Elevation Partners, in an article about Apple’s ability to avoid conflict with the Trump administration and other lawmakers in Washington.
Cites data compiled by Kenneth French in an article about what to expect during the next bear market.
A roundup of research and commentary regarding the current state of U.S.-China trade relations highlights the latest edition of the Slaughter-Rees Report written by Dean Matthew J. Slaughter and Matthew Rees.
Pandora CEO Roger Lynch T’95 discusses the company’s history of success and plans for the future, including implementing more data-driven advertisements following the recent acquisition of Adswizz.
Quotes Peter Fisher in an article about the role central bankers played in the 2008 financial crisis and whether their overconfidence could lead to future problems.
Quotes Cory Mazzola, executive fellow at the Center for Digital Strategies, in an article about how inclement weather, namely hurricanes, can impede a company’s cybersecurity efforts.
A feature story about the Tuck class of 2020. “Dartmouth’s Tuck School of Business managed to buck the trend impacting most rivals who have seen MBA applications fall in the past year," writes Poets & Quants, noting that applications to Tuck rose slightly in the 2017-2018 admissions cycle.
Quotes Luke Anthony Peña in an article profiling the Tuck class of 2020. Thirty-six percent of the class is international, with 42 countries represented overall, and 45 percent is made up by women, the highest percentage in Tuck’s history.
Cites data compiled by Kenneth French in an article about the future of measuring value stocks.
Quotes Paul Argenti in an article about continued controversy surrounding Tesla, stemming from the behavior of CEO Elon Musk and a growing list of executive departures.
Lists Tuck among the top business schools for sending graduates into consulting. Thirty-three percent of the class of 2017 joined the consulting industry, according to employment data released last year.
Quotes Paul Argenti in an article about Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg’s testimony before Congress. Argenti is among experts that say Sandberg is better equipped than CEO Mark Zuckerberg to handle such a testimony.
Quotes Paul Argenti in an article about top executives from Facebook and Twitter preparing to appear before Congress.
In an excerpt from his forthcoming book, The Pan-Industrial Revolution, Richard D’Aveni offers a five-step plan for firms to embrace and master 3D printing.
Quotes Paul Argenti in an article about top executives from Facebook, Google, and Twitter preparing to testify before Congress. Argenti is among experts who say the honeymoon for tech companies is over, and that public backlash has only just begun.
Quotes Paul Argenti in an article about Amazon’s decision to respond to criticism from Senator Bernie Sanders despite having previously avoided confrontation with President Trump.
Richard D’Aveni writes that technology innovations in manufacturing, such as 3D printing, are poised to reduce American dependence on overseas factories and allow companies to avoid global trade disputes.
A feature story about new research from Lauren Grewal exploring the connection between unattractive produce and consumers’ self-perception.
Profiles Irina Titkova T’20, and quotes classmates Colin Chapin, Fabian Kissing, and Cordaye Ogletree, in a preview of Poets & Quants’ annual “meet the class” series.
Vijay Govindarajan, Anup Srivastava, and coauthors Shivaram Rajgopal and Luminita Enache write that one explanation for the declining number of public companies is the rising role of digital firms in the U.S. economy.
Laurens Debo writes that startups should be careful when considering referral priority waitlists, which move users toward the front of the queue once they convince others to sign up.
Features Chris O’Neill T’01, CEO of Evernote, in an article about how he manages his time and accomplishes goals on a day-to-day basis.
Quotes Luke Anthony Peña in an article about application changes among business schools.
Highlights the latest Tuck360 entry by Luke Anthony Peña. In the blog post, Peña offers insight into Tuck’s new admissions essay questions, which map directly to the new admissions criteria.
Cites data compiled by Kenneth French in an article about the value of mid-cap stocks.
Quotes Paul Argenti in an article about a recent controversy regarding the marketing image Nike used for an article of clothing that critics say perpetuates violent and menacing stereotypes of black youth.
Highlights Tuck’s Center for Business, Government & Society as a top institution offering programs focused on nonprofits and foundations in an article about the rise of social sector work as a desirable career path for young professionals.
Quotes Vijay Govindarajan in an article about a recent executive shakeup at Infosys. Govindarajan says the turnover is not unusual for the IT industry.
Features John Pepper T’97, chairman and owner of Boloco, in a story about the fast casual restaurant’s journey from a company with ambitious expansion plans to one that is smaller, but responsibly profitable.
Features Rohit Dugar T’07, founder of Young Master Ales, in an article about the burgeoning craft beer industry in Hong Kong. Young Master is credited with pushing Hong Kong’s beer market forward—both in terms of availability and variety.
As a guest on CNBC, Paul Argenti discusses how Tesla’s board should handle CEO Elon Musk’s unpredictable communications.
Mentions Reverse Innovation in Health Care: How to Make Value-Based Delivery Work, by Vijay Govindarajan and Ravi Ramamurti, in a piece about India’s efforts to improve its health care system.